One of the new features that you can look forward to this year as a client is that you will be receiving a birthday postcard in the mail from me that will include a little something special. This was an important thing for me because I really want to give something back to the people who put so much faith in me and have no reservations when it comes to recommending me. You are great and I love you!
Another thing that is happening is the focus on a couple of new treatment items. Specifically, the feet and the head. These are two areas that may not pack as much punch in terms of muscle mass as other areas like the legs back or even arms but you better believe that they are just as important as those larger regions. If either of those two places hurt, you're in misery and this year is about dealing with some of those chronic pain issues, so the feet and head were a perfect fit for specialized treatments.
For those hard working feet there is either a foot soak or hot towels. Aromatherapy is added once we do an intake and go over your preferences. Both treatments end with a killer foot massage that work gently but deeply into the soles and around the Achilles tendon and finishes off with a cooling mint foot cream that I create myself. It's really good stuff.
The head is another area that frequently needs tlc. Headaches, stress, TMJ dysfunction...there are a lot of things that frequently go on upstairs. I usually incorporate some head massage no matter what but the more in depth work will get you on your way to feeling like a whole new person. A full treatment of cleanser, clay, and moisturizer are applied; a thorough neck, scalp and face massage are then given. This ensures that the muscles of these regions are receiving all the great benefits that massage can give to them and your stress levels are being addressed as well. All very important things. Chronic stress equals chronic pain my friends. It's a proven fact.
Those of you who happen to drive past the shop will also notice the new banner that is up! Crick and I hung that baby up today. I am super proud of how well it turned out and I am also really happy to continue breathing new life into my marketing. I chose a lotus to go onto this banner (seen at the top of this post) because I really love the proverb "no mud, no lotus". It's a pretty strong idea about perseverance and all the reward your receive for your efforts. My career is definitely one of my rewards.
There will also be a few new goodies appearing in the shop this coming up week and I will post about them as they happen. I am loving all the good vibes that I am creating - that my loyal clients and I are creating together. 2015 is shaping up to be an excellent year for Hands with Heart Massage.
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